Monday, September 10, 2007
Life in General
Malachi will be 3 on Friday. I am happy yet saddened. My little boy is growing up so fast. Of course there are certain aspects of growing up I wish he'd hurry up, one major being is pooping in the potty. I am currently making a minature cornhole set for him. It is really cute and should be completed sometime by the end of the week. All that is left is painting.
I am working still I did leave Panera, at least for a little while. I am ready for a career but trying to stay patient for Elizabeth. Things are picking up for me in Frankfort to really allow my skills to be used a little more. There are days I miss college, mostly for the unresponsibility related to it. The "real world" has hit hard the past 4 years.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Young Adult Camp
I dont know what is in store this weekend. I know I had trouble with both the speaker and worship leader only because they are related so I tried for others first but at the end I decided to go with my heart. I know God will bless this thing, he always has.
Anyone can come that is out of high school and I encourage you to go. It is a lot of fun and great place to meet people or reconnect with old friends. I hope to see you there and I will give a post whenever its done.
Back from PA
Anyway I had to get a storage unit to put all this stuff in.
Our second duty was to help her mother with a yard sale. Her mother put up almost everything for sale. It was huge, of course we got to search through and take what we wanted. I got two canopies, a tent and several other camping equipment. My wife got several things as well.
Our last duty was to load up on the food we liked. I got a ton of New Castle chili, cleaned out Giant Eagle (a grocery store in the north for those who don't know), my wife got her Augustine's Pizza and we got some loafs and puffs from Johnny's. It was great.
It was a nice visit and weird knowing we would not set foot in the house again and possibly not go to PA much after this point. I know it had to be weird for my wife to leave a place she has always known.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Going to PA
While there, the Simpsons movie will be released. OF COURSE I want to go so bad I just pee'd myself. It should be good and the from what I hear I will not be disappointed. So I am hoping we can scrape the money to watch it of course I am sacrificing Harry Potter for a couple of more weeks but I will eventually get to that one as well.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Cedar Point

I love Cedar Point. I went for the first time ever last weekend. IT WAS AWESOME. They had some great roller coasters but I only road 4 of them. I went with the church I am attending and volunteering at. Built some good relationships and had a ball.
Surprisingly, I liked the water park almost as much as the park itself. They had this huge raft thing and some of the guys decided to meet the weight capacity as best we could. So me and 3 others got in weighing in at over 720 lbs, 80 lbs less than the weight capacity. Lets just say it was a very interesting wet my pants ride. Then we did this slide that looked really slow but after getting on it it was super fast and pretty scary. FUN!!
Malachi's first day at Ginza II
Our new pond (updated)
Friday, July 06, 2007
Where have I been
Friday, June 01, 2007
Counting Bolt Holes
On the right is a detail drawing (off the internet) of a beam with a plate on it. The holes in that beam are there to put bolts (field bolts) into them. On a job, that HGS has, I was asked to go through some drawings a count how many holes are in the beams, plates, and angle. This didn't seem to be to bad except there were like 200 pages of beams and when all was said and done about 15,000 holes for field bolts. My eyes went completely crossed.
Today is kind of a lazy day. I am currently trying to draw up plans to build a rock wall (w/ a small pond in the center) for my Dad's house. Then this weekend I will take my time building said wall & pond. I am excited because it gives me something to do but nervous because this is a new venture. I went to my brother in laws last weekend and saw his pond (below). He has done a great job putting his together, so I asked him a TON of questions about it. He lent me a couple of books to help me out. Hopefully I can build a good wall and an ok pond. Should be interesting!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My last day and New Job

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
School Days
Thursday - School Closed
Friday - School Closed
Monday - School Closed
Tuesday - School...well school let out early because of a "snow Storm"
Wednesday - Got up at 5:00 went to to see if school was closed and it was not :( but then got up to get ready thought I should check one more time and quess closed :).
Unless there is another snow storm creaping in we should have school Thursday and Friday although I wouldn't mind if there wasn't.
Another note: It is cold I mean COLD VERY VERY COLD. One morning it was like -20 wind chill thank goodness school was out. Shoo!!!