Thursday, January 24, 2008
Healthy Breakfast
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mouse Killer
After a few suggestions, the end result was to lock Mouse and the mouse into the bathroom and let them fight it out. This is because every time Elizabeth attempted to separate the mouse from Mouse, Mouse would pick up the mouse and run with it. The end result was a dead mouse brutally slain by the cat. At this point it is Mouse 5 mice 0, Mouse 1 bird 0. Its a running count...
On Saturday, I was home with my son Malachi. He was playing with his toys and I was watching tv when suddenly we heard a bunch of rustling in the kitchen. As I turned I saw Mouse bringing in a mouse.
Because of previous mouth mutilations I had already shut the doors of the bathroom, our room and Malachis room, but forgot about Mom and Dads room.
As I stood from the tv Mouse saw me and knew I was going to take away his prize, seeing that the usual rooms were closed he darts, w/ the mouse in his mouth, into Mom and Dad's room. I cornered Mouse but he did not give in and found an escape route into the living room. I swat Mouse with a broom and he lets go of the mouse, the mouse runs underneath the couch and Mouse is waiting but I pick up Mouse and put him into the bedroom.
Now I find myself into a predicament because:
- I am afraid of mice, a recently discovered fear
- Malachi is completely excited about the mouse in the house and is running everywhere
- the mouse is underneath the couch
- I had to somehow pick up the couch, hold Malachi back, and get the mouse
I was in a doozy of a situation. I decided to do something different I got Mouse out and set him by the couch and demanded Malachi sit still as I lift the couch. So Mouse is ready, Malachi is waiting with anticipation and so I lift up the couch and Mouse charges the mouse and goes up over the gate and through the doggy door.
Most people would think it would have been a good idea to let Mouse destroy the mouse outside but not me I didn't want the mouse to escape and get back in. So I put on my shoes and go down the stairs (as I demand that Malachi stay on the porch but he could watch) in order to seperate the mouse from Mouse so I could dispose of the mouse appropriately.
As I get to the bottom of the steps Mouse jumps over the fence and so I go through the gate to get him on the other side in which he jumps back over the fence, goes up the stairs, and through the doggy door where he is back in the same house I was just trying to get him out of. (again Malachi jumping up and down with excitement)
I go back into the house and get Mouse into the bathroom somehow got him to drop the mouse and got him back in the living room with the mouse in the bathroom.
Again I find myself in a predicament because the mouse is still in the house and he is still alive. But I remembered that my Dad had bought a mouse trap that is a black box and when the mouse goes through the box it electrocutes him, killing the mouse. So I take Malachis toys, some bottles of shampoo and cups to make a maze into the black death box for the mouse. I somehow lead him into it, and I decide to leave him in there so he could die by himself.
After a while I go back in open the box and find the mouse. I call my Dad explaining what I thought was a humorous story but decide to take the broom handle and poke the mouse where I realize the mouse was still alive. The mouse gets out of the trap and runs into a nearby cup. The smart person would have taken the cup and put the mouse outside but not this man, I decide to reset the trap and make another maze and somehow the mouse got back into the trap. This time I left the trap for about a 1/2 hour before I went back to check on the mouse.
After the 1/2 hour I check and the mouse is still but after the first time I decide to check it one last time, and again the mouse is still alive
At this time I am frustrated and decide to let Mouse finish the job but not in the house. I take the mouse outside and the mouse ran out and jumped off the deck, the deck is a good 15 to 20 feet in the air. I check and see a twitching mouse, so I get Mouse to finish the job. I take mouse down and the mouse is running towards the fence. Mouse darts at him picks him up, the mouse bites Mouse, Mouse lets him go runs up the stairs, and through the doggy door. The mouse makes a run for it and sees another day. Making this adventure Mouse 5, mice 1
My wife called me this morning to tell me that Mouse brought in a bird and the bird was flying around the house. But Mouse grabbed the bird and its now dead. Mouse also has killed about 2 mice since the last encounter so here is the new count:
Mouse 7, Mice 1 Mouse 2, Birds 0
Thought this was humorous and I hope you enjoy the true story of the Mouse Killer :)
Sorry for all the grammatical and spelling errors, hey Im not an English teacher and I dont proofread. :-/
Monday, January 14, 2008
Frankfort Basketball game
Weight Loss
One of my many New Years Resolution was to stop drinking coke and lose 40 lbs. I am on my 3rd week of NOT drinking coke and on my 2nd week of only drinking water. I weighed myself yesterday and found that I had lost 2 lbs. Not significant but it was nice to see. I am not watching what I eat and play racquetball everyday. My goal is to start running 30 mins a day and do a little weight lifting to help my flabby body look a little toned. For those few (if any) who read this blog encourage me. I want to be healthy for my family. :)
Friday, January 04, 2008
Just another Jan 4, 2008
When days are like this I do get to catch up on some of my favorite websites. Unfortuatetly I have ran out because I visit the same sites about everyday. My most frequent websites that I visit are: (Very good with new technology) (Even though I no longer have a XBL account I still like to see the new things happening because their will be a day when I shall return to XBL)
The Armory (WoW site, again even though I dont have an account it still has some interesting stuff on it) (Keepin up with whats new) (Great reviews) (A youth ministry guy who is highly successful and has a lot of cool info on the site)
Of course there are several other sites that I visit but really not enough to keep a day busy. If you have any suggestions with good sites to visit (that are not dirty) comment them below.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Malachi woke up to a little Tigger for his bed present which "Santa" gives him, He enthusiastically opened up his other gifts which included a spiderman lego plane (bad idea it is already in pieces and all over the house), cars replica of toy story and monster inc (which are shown at the ending credits of Cars), and he got a helicopter that can be flown inside. He loves that helicopter and has really enjoyed playing with it. Plus he got a ton of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse stuff from both sets of parents.
Elizabeth got some pajama pants (Vera Bradley), ilive (generic ihome), idog, some books and some other things from me and got a digital camera from my parents. She was very pleased with Christmas this year.
I got a ton of things from Elizabeth, which included The Simpsons Movie, The Simpsons how to draw the characters book, The Office Season 3, Kentucky Sweatshirt, Kentucky Chair, Malachi got me a Kentucky Basketball which he picked out, and I got Rock Band from my parents. Which is a really awesome game by the way!!!!
We had the extra pleasure of having my sister Saralee and her family with us for Christmas.
For the first time EVER we deep fried a turkey for Christmas. It had to be the best tasting turkey I have ever tasted. It would be hard going back to the same old baked turkey after that delite.
This was a good holiday season all the way around, if you take away the presents that I got, it still was excellent, I had a great time with family. I got along with everyone, there was a lot of laughter. Lots of time to cherish with my nieces, nephew and Malachi. I wouldnt trade that time for anything. I hope and pray that your Christmas was as good as mine.
New Years Resolution
Excercise More Often
Loose 30 lbs
Stop drinking anything with carbonation for 6 months
Read the Bible
Read more books
Write in a journal
Spend more time with Malachi and Elizabeth
Get out of stupid debt (I mean Credit Cards and things of that nature not home or school debt)
These are the main ones but there are always more. I am starting out 2008 discouraged with where I am at and I hope to end 2008 excited about what is happening and looking at a brighter future. I hope everyone had a Good Christmas and a Good start to the New Year!!!