For most ten is not any kind of milstone. I have read other blogs that have way over 1,000 post. But for me ten is good for now and worth celebrating. Up to now my blogs have been a little down because my life has been a little down. I waited for my tenth blog to be a positive one hoping to start a collection of positive notes to share with the world. But unfortuanitly I am not that lucky...
Update on Cars
On Tuesday, we were suppose to have our fully functioning 2001 Isuzu Rodeo back from the shop but instead I got a call saying that the new engine was a dud. As time went on and talking to other people involved with the engine I found out that the company would replace the engine but not replace all labor that was put into the engine, leaving me with more money to invest in a non working car. Fortuately, I recieved the part from a local store (which is Nationwide) and they don't want a dent in their name and have offered to help with the financial obligation in fixing the car.
On Thursday, I went to pick up my Audi 100 from the shop and on the way to pick up my son the alternator belt broke and I got stuck in the Wal-mart parking lot. My Dad was able to replace the belt so that was good. It is hard to be ignorant about cars, if I had a better knowledge base I could do much more less expensively. Anyway, I get into the car this morning and had a frozen drive to the daycare and work. You guessed it...the heat does not work. I knew it didn't but didn't realize how bad it was. I could see my breath all the way to Lawrenceburg. I will submit my Audi again to the mechanic gods to be fixed with a sacrifice of a monitary measure.
It's Friday, Thank God...not the mechanical gods but the God. I have a little scuffle at 3:30 in which I will beat Mike Sanchez with a dead muscrat. He will feel pain undescribable that thoughts of Tony's mom will bring comfort to him. Muhhahahahahaha
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