Ever since High School I have had facial hair of some sort. I don't necessarily like it but I dont really like shaving. Every once and a while I go and shave the whole thing off. (I use to have a gotee but after almost 10 yrs decided to grow a full beard) A lot of times I try something different, mostly to be funny.
This was one of those days. I decided to do a different type of cut in which I was going to take it to youth with me just for laughs. My wife hates me clean shaven and loves the gotee so I told her that I would compromise.
When I get out of the bathroom, this is what she saw:

She was not happy to say the least. She really didn't think it was funny. I saw she that she did not approve so I took pictures and shaved it off. I made sure that my blog, facebook, and twitter got these pictures. :)
I tried photoshop Express on some of them, just for looks. I hope you enjoy my temporary face change.
you remind me of Jim Broadbent in Moulin Rouge:)
Love the facial hair! Should've kept it!
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