We waited for 2 1/2 hours just to find 3 people waiting in line and 30 wii fits in stock. I had a blast hanging out with my wife though which made the long night worth it.
My wife played it Wednesday morning, and I played it Wednesday night. We both were having difficulty really getting the thing to work right. We found that the Mii was doing the exact opposite than what we were doing. After a while I found that we positioned the balance board the wrong way and when that was corrected the Mii's and the game became a lot simplier.
This is kind of an early review but I have had several people ask me what I thought about the Wii Fit. To be honest I did not have to much expectation for this interesting device. It's expensive but when you basically get a scale, BMI reader, and exercise machine w/ game the price is actually quite reasonable. The set up time takes a while to get started. It judges your center of gravity and does some other measurements including weight. It takes that information, tells you where you are at and where you should be. It then takes your Mii and adjust its body to your proportion, which mine blew up like a balloon. It was somewhat embarrassing since my whole family was watching me. (I will get a picture later)
Anything relating to the balance board is actually quite fun. I would keep trying and trying until I got an acceptable number. Everything else is hard work, but that's the point. Its not much of a fitness tool if you don't sweat. But like most exercise you have to stay on it and really push yourself to see results. You can't just do little games and expect big results. Another feature that is really neat is jogging. You jog around a little village, as you jog, the Mii's that have been on your Mii channel show up jogging around you or next to you. In some cases they trip which is actually very funny. In one instance I saw Sam and tried to kick him but the wiimote didn't register that.
Overall the game is fun, its fairly cheap, and its fun to do with others like most Wii games are. My grade is a solid A.
If I stay committed I will let you know on my progress and results. What do you think about the Wii Fit? Do you think its nonsense? a good thing? or just something else for people to waste their money on? If you have one leave a comment about your opinion, I would like to know.
I love it. My favorite aspects are the jogging, yoga, and step arobics. The strength training is sort of hard but I hope it gets easier as I go along. I love how as you exercise more, it unlocks new exercises such as new yoga poses, more intense step, and longer distances for the jogging. Thanks for the purchase!
I want one!!! ...The Wii AND Wii FIT!!! I'm sure that if I got one, I would lose 50 pounds! Just like I did when I bought the xbox I-fit!! (note my sarcastic tone!!) Oh yeah, and the Playstation dancing game (can't remember the actual name, that's how much I used it.) But I know that I would use the Wii!! It will be my fitness savior!!!
But seriously, it would be cool to have one and a wii fit... Just for kicks!!!
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