Friday, July 11, 2008


Ok I am not really in Cincinnati I am in Florence but for the most part it is one and the same... well at least in my book it is I am sure there are those who would disagree.

We are here to take a minivacation to the Newport Aquarium and eventually visit my sister. I am excited about getting away even if its just for the weekend.

Right now the wife and child are sleeping and I am up just kind of waisting a little time enjoying a little bit of piece of quite. There are not to many opportunities I can actually be by myself so I cherish these small moments. Unfortuately this little bit of time has given me a bit of writers block which is why there is not going to be much on this post.

We will be returning Sunday hopefully rested and ready for the next week but I am living in the now and really enjoying myself, if there is time and I remember I will write about what we did at the Aquarium!!!

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