Monday, February 13, 2017

Stillness Experiment - Day 1

I am currently going through an experiment. The following are my results from Day 1 of the experiment:

Practice stillness prayer for 20 mins a day
I put my phone on do not disturb and tried to not look at my phone. I sat still and listed.  First mistake, I drank coffee, this made it increasing hard to concentrate.  I tried this at my own home, this caused another distraction because I kept seeing and wanting to take care of things I felt needed to be taken care of. I decided that tomorrow I need to make a couple of changes:
    • Change venue, find a place that is not distracting.
    • Leave phone, even though I had the phone on do not disturb, I kept looking that time.
    • Do not drink a caffeinated beverage, this will allow me not to be so hyped up and should allow me to focus
    • Bring a journal to write down 2 things, the first, write down to dos and distractions to get them off my mind. Second, write down my thoughts that are relevant what God might be telling me. 
Solitary walk for at least 20 mins a day
This is more of a solitary ride, but took a ride with no music. I rode in complete silence and took in the silence. At one point I prayed for God to make some revelations to me, now awaiting those revelations to come into fruition.

Practice Lords table as family each day
Decided to do something a little different. During our regular meal, I stopped my wife and children and decided to use what was on our table to do the Lords supper. Pork represented the body and water represented the blood.  It was a little humorous as we were not use to doing this, my 7 year old daughter giggled but it was unique and we had a small conversation about what it meant. It was a pretty cool experience.

Go on creative adventure
My creative adventure was using technology to communicate with a group of people through a game. My wife and I connected with 3 other people and played Quip Lash 2 on xbox one and used twitch to live stream the game so that everyone could participate. Even though we were not all in the same place we played, laughed and connected as a community. Technology was only used to connect, I didn't look at facebook, emails, or any social media.

 I haven't gleaned anything from God... yet, but this is Day 1. My prayer is that this is setting up the week. I will make a few corrections, and these corrections should help me embrace the stillness a little better. I look forward to what God might reveal in the days that follow.

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