Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Well as of this past weekend we have moved into our new apartment. WHOO HOO!!! It is exciting venture. It was nice to get things in order.

Of Course...

Last night, my wife woke me up saying, "There are police outside could you come downstairs with me" Sure enough there were about 4 police cars and a fire engine. I don't know why they were there but to be honest I don't want to know.

Car Update:

We bought an engine for the rodeo and it is currently being worked on. As for the Audi it is going to cost a pretty penny to fix but we will hopefully have that 0ne back by next week.

This week I am off school and it couldn't be a worse week to be off. I am sick, yesterday I was home all day in bed. A miserable way to spend fall break....BLECH... I am feeling better today so my hope that things will work out and I will feel good for the next two days and the weekend. It would be awful for this week off to go to waiste.

Thats about all I have for now. I will keep you posted on more depressing updates :)

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