Thursday, June 24, 2010

The New Xbox 360

I am a gaming nut, I love games.  I don't know why just do.  They are my relaxation tool but my real problem is that I love them too much.  Xbox recently revealed Kinect and with that they revealed a new Xbox 360 and... I want it.  Why?  I don't know why but I just like it and want it.  I have owned a 360 since 2005 and probably had every chip set since.  At one point I owned two 360's sold one to my brother in law and then bought another 360 during Christmas at Walmart's Black Friday and turned in my old one to get a PS3.  I have also upgraded my wifi and hard drive so I thought I was pretty much set, but no I want the new one and the funny thing is I want to keep my old one.  Such a dilemma.

Of course I am obsessive and typically my obsession leads to the purchase and getting what I want.  It's a sickness but I have learned to control it by actually having the money to buy it these days.  Here is just a taste of some of my obsessions:

Macbook pro
Honda Element
Big Screen TV
Video Games (Fable, Halo, Gears, Infamous, etc)
soon to be xbox 360 and Kinect

My obsession is expensive so now I must save money to indulge in that obsession.  Patience is key and it won't be long before another 360 graces my shelves.

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