Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Stillness Experiment - Day 2

Day 2 was a lot more difficult than day 1. It was a challenge to keep up with my designated time slots but I did my best and will attempt to do better tomorrow.

Practice stillness prayer for 20 mins a day
I essentially rushed this and fell asleep. Typically I would try to do this in the morning but in this situation I was out for a hospital visit. When I was able to get time, I was exhausted and sitting still was going to be difficult and my sitting still turned into napping still. The crazy day continued and I was not able to complete this adequately.

  • Goal tomorrow is to accomplish this even if I need to reschedule in my calendar.
Solitary walk ride for at least 20 mins a day
The ride this morning was good. I rode in complete silence and did my best to listen. I was able to hear that my body hurt but thought about what the pain meant. I have been unhealthy for the last several years and the hurt reminded me that through pain I will get back to health. The church has left its scars on me and its been a painful several years of reminders but its in this season that I am feeling much more healthy and ready to continue on in God's service even in a new environment.

Practice Lords table as family each day
Tonight was a little rushed and because of some miscommunication between my wife and I, frustrating. I decided to go ahead and do the Lord's supper with my children. They actually asked for me to do it so it was a great reminder that my children are watching and learning from what I do.

Go on creative adventure
My creative adventure did not happen tonight. It was a busy night and I schedule it for the end of the day.

  • Plan ahead for what adventure is going to be 
  • Schedule earlier in the day 
Tomorrow is my busiest day, this experiment is about embracing the stillness so it will be my greatest challenge. It reminds of going up hill, the hardest part is when you get close to the top but if you can make it to the peak its downhill, Wednesday is close to the top and if I can get a good successful day in, the remaining 4 days should be easier to handle.

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