- Mosaic - I love the sermons and Erwin McManus style of speaking
- Sarcastic Gamer - These guys are very funny and entertaining to listen to they have a very nice podcast plus they are ....sarcastic.
- North Point Ministries - Another very good speaker, Andy Stanley, he is currently on a sermon series talking about handling your finances, very good and very encouraging
- The Married Gamers - This couple is very good at just having fun with their podcast, they are funny and really have a good structured show, I am looking forward to seeing the podcast live whenever I can remember.
- IGN.com - Three Red Lights - I just started listening to this podcast and they are pretty honest about how they feel about games and seem to have a genuine love for what they do.
Today I started listening to The Target Demographic podcast and it might hit my top 5 list if I continue to like what I hear.
On the Brink: These podcast are loosing my interest and they are loosing it fast. They have not been unsubscribe to but they might in the coming weeks especially if I find podcast I like better:
- 1UP Yours - These guys are foul and just not they creative or funny. I don't really believe they really know what they are doing I have not listened to their show for a couple of weeks and tried again today just to turn right off. They might be gone soon.
- Hardcore Christian Gamer - I started really enjoying this show but have not recently. I don't know if I just get annoyed with their show or I just think they ramble to much
Recently Unsubscribe podcast:
- Christian Gamer 2.0 - Just didn't like it to much
- The Bungie Podcast - Wasn't bad, actually very good but I just wasn't that interested
There are obviously other podcast on the list that I like and those have been subscribed to, others were one time downloads and then others are ones I am trying before I commit to subscribing.
So these are the podcast I am listening to, what are you listening to?
Hey thanks for your kind words about our podcast, the Married Gamers.
Yes I was trolling Google to see what the internet thinks of us, and came across your blog.
I'm so vain sometimes.
Oh, and keep listening to HCG, they do ramble, but they are are entertaining/
Thanks for the comment!!! I am still listening to you guys and have actually got reconnected to the HCG. I've been meaning to meet up with one of the podcast for the game nights but it seems I am not available (or my mind slips) Hope things are going well and I will probably be getting you an itunes review soon!!!
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