Unfortunately I do not have pictures handy but the community event was successful but not numerically. I am not sure that was not a good thing because we really connected with the few that came. Two inflatable games were ordered one being an obstacle course (very fun) and the other, joust (I LOVE THIS GAME). I went up against a big man and he almost killed me but fun none the less. Of course I love to win and I love to cheat so the obstacle course was a fun way to pull people off the climbing wall and crush them with the bars...IT WAS AWESOME!!!
The night ended in an xbox 360 giveaway. Then started the lock in. While I was in New Albany I bought Finger Blasters and created a game that became successful with my Senior High students. They absolutely loved the game and we would spend hours playing.

I tried talking Tressica (Trevor and Jessica - Our Youth Leaders) to purchase these and explained how it would be a good idea. With some reluctance from half of Tressica they bought the blasters. So the lock in started we ate and it was time for me to explain the rules and start this new game.
It was funny because you saw confusion in the eyes of those who were at the lock in. I explained the game, and then showed them how to shoot a finger blaster. Then each person was given a blaster and they were to try and shoot the blaster. They did well some took a while but eventually they all got it.
The first two games started slowly, no one really understood the rules or how to play. Plus the teams were a little unbalanced. The third game and a little tweaking of teams every one really started to get into what was happening. The series of games started at 1:00 and we did not finish to almost 6:00 in which time people were ready to go to bed. Some stayed up to play a game or two of Wii but that was pretty much the night, a night full of finger blasters at church.
Do you have games that you play with your youth that have been successful? What are they?
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