Last weekend, we went to Bowling Green for a wedding. But instead of staying with others or a hotel we thought we would get some well needed and anticipated time together by going camping. I reserved a campsite at the KOA in Bowling Green and on Friday we all left for our exciting family getaway.
First off, gas shot up to almost $4.00 a gallon, making the trip a little pricey at the start. Next we got to the campsite and took an extra long time and frustration on how to put up the tent. Its an older tent and even though I have put it up twice prior to this trip I could not remember how to put it back up. Next we took Malachi to see Kung Fu Panda (a camping trip without the normal luxuries of life is not complete without a movie).
Here is a quick review:

Started very engagingly, from the start it caught my attention. The story was pretty good and the voice actors did a pretty good job (wish David Cross would have said more). Jack Black did a really good job as Po and just was able to keep me interested in the film. Malachi loved it!!! It was completely kid friendly and overall was fun to watch B+
Back to Camping: After the movie we went on search for firewood which took us to three different stores with no firewood on hand. We eventually just got some from KOA. We got back to the campground to find out the humidity was awful. I was sweating profusely and I was just sitting down. In this 90 degree weather with high humidity we decided to start a fire. It was just so hot, I can't explain how hot it was. We made hot dogs over a fire...man it was hot... and we did smores...and so humid... After burning ALL the wood (hey I bought it I was going to use it) we decided to go to bed. Man that tent was hot, and I don't mean with passion. Malachi decided to sleep in our bed, man he gets hot at night, and with a popped air mattress and yes it was hot we attempted to sleep throughout the night.
The HOT morning after we got up and decided as I was walking through the hot campground, still sweating, I decided we should change some of our plans. Elizabeth mentioned the night before that she wanted to hike and go swimming. I woke her up and suggested that it was WAY TO HOT outside and that we just find other things to do that were in a non-hot kind of place. She agreed immediately....it was hot.
We packed up our camping stuff, went to a relatives house to take a nice cold shower, went to the mall and then spent time with her sister, who came from PA. We also went swimming in a non-hot indoor pool :)
We had a lot of fun and even though it was HOT, I would not have changed anything. It was a well needed time alone with just Elizabeth, Malachi and myself. I can't wait to go camping with them again....in a non hot month.
1 comment:
was it hot last weekend?
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