Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Genuine Excitement

I love Wednesday nights. Wednesday nights is my relaxation, which is funny because for most its another day that is tied up doing "something". Wednesday's are my day to be a part of a program that I feel is one of the most important the Church is involved in. I am not saying the most important but its up there. That ministry is youth ministry.

Not being the leader has its perks. I come without having to prepare a lesson. I get to play around, joke, and talk to students. It's an awesome experience. Filling the "volunteer" role has been an eye opening experience (I hope to share more with you later but I am not confident in those post yet). Let me explain...

As a youth leader, I knew what I wanted from a volunteer. I always had trouble explaining what I wanted them to do. Some dealing with discipline others with their own commitment. My experience was that there were people willing to be a body but not willing to move beyond that. Some of my youth meetings had many disruptions including volunteers yelling at students, joking when it wasn't appropriate, calling me minutes before youth saying they would not show up, angry with me because I never "listened to their suggestions", and the list goes on and on and on.

Every so often I would have counselor meetings and in those meetings I tried to explain what I needed to be done. But I never talked about their purpose. To be honest I didn't have a clearly defined description of what I expected, it was always a work in process. This led some volunteers to be frustrated with me. It led some to take advantage of my non confrontation habits and allowed them not to be committed. It caused a lot of confusion and frustration with my team.

In this new role, I have tried to be the volunteer that I always wanted. In some places I can see what my expectations were might have been unrealistic. In other ways it has helped me better define what I want. For example, I play with the youth, joke around and have a good time. When the lesson starts I become quiet and attentive. I see the my body language can become a distraction to others so if I am unfocused the chances are the youth will be as well. When a youth is being unintentionally disruptive, I quietly find a way to instruct them to not be. This allows the youth leader to be focused and not be distracted from what he/she is teaching.

A new perspective has allowed me to look at things with new glasses. To be able to take what I couldn't explain, put it to practice, and next time really find out how to demonstrate, explain, exemplify what my expectations are. It has also given me more appreciation of those who help and are committed. Its not easy but still Wednesday are my favorite.

**I will be writing more about my volunteer experiences with my leadership experience. I hope this becomes a resource for others to use or maybe can bring in new perspective in the youth volunteer genre.**

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